
Getting started: Instructors

  1. Register yourself as an instructor at
  2. Create a class (
  3. Click 'sample config' to get help in creating a configuration file (see "How to configure notebooks" below for alternatives)
  4. Install the %%postcell magic command by running the following command pip install postcell

This link provides a very simple skeleton project

Getting started: Students

  1. Install %%postcell magic command via pip install postcell
  2. If your instructor is using a configuration file, enter your name under student_id (the config file is most likely called postcell.conf, somewhere in the folder containing the notebook)
  3. Do exercises in a notebook, provided to you by your instructor

Students don't need to register on any website.

How to configure notebooks

The following link provides a simple skeleton project.

Instructors will create a notebook with the following cells:

%reload_ext postcell
%postcell register

This cell will load the postcell magic and register class name, instructor id and student id via a postcell.conf file (either in the same folder as the notebook or any of the parent folders).

Here is a sample config file:

"url" : "",
"student_id" : "TEST_STUDENT",
"instructor_id": "YOUR_INSTRUCTOR_ID",
"class_id": "IntroToPython",
"should_send_to_server" : true

Instructors can get their instructor_id and class_id from

student_id can be any arbitrary value, but instructors should have their students use a standard id, perhaps their email.

If a config file is too heavy weight (perhaps for a single notebook workshop), the following syntax can be used to bypass the need for a file:

%reload_ext postcell
%postcell register -student_id STUDENT_USER_NAME -url -instructor_id INSTRUCTOR_ID 
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